NewEarth Health is here to guide and support you on your journey to holistic well being on the many twists and turns of our everyday lives.
Yesim S. James was born in 1971 in her beloved hometown Istanbul, Turkey. She has been facilitating spiritual works/gatherings/workshops in Canada, Turkey, Israel, Mexico, USA, Denmark, Poland and UK, since she parted paths with her first career as an architect in 2010.
When she moved to Canada , as the change of climate and quality of nutrition started to have effects on her health, she got full heartedly involved in her healing and studied with the best in the industry. This quickly turned into a passion of assisting people to increase their vitality and well-being. She is a curious learner who keeps delving into new modalities to support her clients on their journeys to optimal health.
She has trained with many wonderful souls over the years. She draws inspiration from many modalities she has studied with. Shamanism, Emei Qigong, Pranic Healing, Numerology, Crystal Healing, Hypnosis, Past Life Regression, Sound Healing, Flower remedies and countless others along the way have enriched the way she works as a holistic practitioner today.

First class honours graduate of Edison Institute of Nutrition, Canada. Specializes in Orthomolecular health, Darkfield Microscopy, Cancer Nutrition, Biotherapeutic drainage.
Homeopathy-CCHM cont.
Registered member of IONC
Biotherapeutic drainage and Unda Remedies, Dr Dickson Thom
Gemmotheraphy:Key Applications for Clinical Practice, Dr Michael Adams
Live Cell Microscopy, Lynne Hinton
CTI, Co-Active Coaching, London UK
Shamanic Practices, Durek Verett
Crystal Healing, Benny Vervliet
Emei Qigong, Grandmaster Fu Wei Zong Level1, Level 2
Pranic Healing, Yegor Thachuk Leve1, Level 2
Hypnosis & Past Life Regression, Debbie Papadakis
Awakening The Illuminated Heart- Drunvalo Melchizedek

A passionate world traveler all her life, Yesim is now based out of Canada and offers remote and in-person services while continuing to travel frequently. When she is home (in Grafton, ON) she regularly holds space for the community of Ceu de Toronto, a Santo Daime church. (find out more about"Women's Circle").
Yesim continues to advance her knowledge, research and education to deliver you the most advanced information, tools and techniques. She invites you to book a complimentary Discovery Call to find out more about how NewEarth Health's services can help you on your journey towards optimized health and personal evolution.