Biotherapeutic drainage is a way of draining and detoxifying toxins out from the body.
All cells in the body require a specific environment with particular nutrients, an exact pH and proper elimination of wastes to function properly.
Without cleansing, the accumulated wastes within a cell would cause it to function inefficiently or perhaps even to die. An individual weighing 70 kg has about 30 trillion cells that receives nutrients from the blood and then eliminates their metabolic waste products into the venous and lymphatic systems.
It is important to drain that waste outside so the inside remains clean and functions optimally.

Biotherapeutic Drainage remedies support our body’s primary elimination organs which include the liver, lungs, intestines, kidneys and the secondary routes including skin, mucus membranes, nose and genitals. If the primary organs are working at a reduced capacity then the body will attempt to use the secondary routes for elimination.
Toxic residue will remain inside the body and will be stored in fat tissues, connective tissue, muscles, tendons, veins and arteries attempting to keep the toxins away from the brain, heart and kidneys. Eventually these toxins will accumulate and the development of dis-ease will take place as the body attempts to cope.Biotherapeutic drainage facilitates our normal physiological system in a gentle, non-invasive way.

​NewEarth Health works with the unique combination of drainage remedies from Europe that are blended with more than half a century of experience and are effective for acute, chronic and degenerative imbalances. The remedies are formulated using anthroposophical principles, the principles of Chinese medicine and homoeopathy.
Book a complimentary call with us to find out more about available remedies or how to integrate biotherapeutic drainage into your wellness routines.
2 hr
375 Canadian dollars1 hr 30 min
275 Canadian dollars1 hr 30 min
155 Canadian dollars45 min
90 Canadian dollars15 min
How to get started
Booking your session is easy with our online options.
If this is your first time working with us we encourage you to choose an option that includes a preliminary test/analysis so we can start with a good understanding of what your body is telling us, and needs. Biotherapeutic drainage may be recommended on a per-need basis.
Analysis based consultations are only available in-person (see office locations). Hair Mineral Analysis is available remotely, please contact us for details.